There are many ways at St. John XXIII to get involved, ways to give back to the community, ways to make a difference in this world as Christ has called us to do!! Below is a list of many of our groups and programs. You can click on the link for more information. You can sign up below (click here), or contact the office at 865-523-7931 or email us at if there is anything that you would like to explore further!
Once a year we are excited about our Festival of Ministries, where we put displays in the lobby to highlight all we do!
Here is a quick list of the groups at St. John XXIII. Click on the name for a description and more information about the group.
Student and Graduate Student Groups
Christian Education Groups
Outreach & Social Concerns Groups
Liturgical Groups
Parish Administration
Can faith be fun? VolCatholic certainly thinks so! We’re the undergraduate Catholic student group and we’d love to meet you. Come join us on Wednesday evenings at St. John XXIII for games, discussions, talks, movies, and more. We also get together pretty regularly for parties, hikes, rafting, tailgating, and other fun stuff. Come grow faith, make friends, and just have fun. All are welcome! Click here to sign up for more information. Students of any religious background are welcome and encouraged to come out!
The Graduate Student and Young Professionals Group meets year round on Sunday evenings at 7:15 PM. We meet in the Main Office Lobby at St. John XXIII. Please join us! Click here to sign up for more information.
FOCUS is a Catholic collegiate outreach mission to share the hope and joy of the gospel with students. The four FOCUS missionaries at UTK meet with groups of students for prayer, Bible study, and social events at times and places that are convenient to the students. Click here to sign up for more information.
The Knights of Columbus is a men's fraternal organization that focuses on growth in fraternity, unity, and charity. Throughout the year we will hold different service events such as repairing bikes for the homeless at Ladies of Charity, as well as helping around the John XXIII parish. During the school year following daily mass, the Knights lead a rosary. We also sponsor social events that include a square dance in the fall and a formal dance in the spring. So if you are a man looking to join a group that wants to grow in their faith, please consider joining the Knights of Columbus. Click here to sign up for more information.
The Daughters of Isabella is a women’s auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus, which means we work with the Knights to fundraise and hold events. We have a primary focus on Right to Life issues from conception to natural death. Because we are a new organization, we do not have set meeting times yet. However, we will meet for one business meeting a month, and hold various events throughout the month. We hope to plan a women’s retreat in the fall, and we are planning on holding several fundraising and service events, including a bake sale in support of the Pregnancy Help Center. Additionally, we will be working with the Knights to plan dances and other events.. Click here to sign up for more information.
Our Sunday Children’s Religious Education programs for children in grades K-8 meets from 10-11 am every Sunday UT is in session. Classes are taught by multiple teams of two or three volunteers using the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies as instructional materials. Click here to sign up for more information.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is for prospective converts to Catholicism in the university community. It gradually introduces them to basic Catholic beliefs and practices. Mentor/sponsors accompany and encourage prospective communicants through the process, culminating in entrance to the faith community during Holy Week. Click here to sign up for more information.
This group meets year-round to enrich our Catholic faith through the study and discussion of faith-based books and Church documents and through seasonal studies. Meetings are typically on first and third Thursdays from 7-8:30 pm at the office or via Zoom. Click here to sign up for more information.
Parishioners promote the values of the Gospel by involvement in the social problems of today. Currently, members participate in Justice Knox, an organization of more than 25 local churches to help the homeless; operate the Refugee Welcoming Committee; make and oversee the Social Concerns Outreach Grants; provide outreach to Serene Manor and its patients; and promote efforts to reduce Climate Change. Click here to sign up for more information.
Elderly, shut-in, and disabled parishioners receive Communion at home or in the hospital on Sunday afternoons from extraordinary Eucharistic ministers dispatched by the parish office. These sacramental visits also allow for social exchange between the ministers and the homebound and for the arrangement of pastoral visits. Training is offered by program members and parish staff. Click here to sign up for more information.
By working with people of other congregations of faith, we work with local officials to address issues such as Gun Violence, Mental Health, Disparities in Education, Affordable Housing, and Public Transportation. Join us in making a difference in our community. Click here to sign up for more information.
Along with other Diocesan Catholic churches, St. John XXIII provides weekly services for women and men in jail. Participants work once a month. The women’s service is Wednesday evenings, and the men’s service is on Saturday. We always work in teams. Volunteers must be 21 or older. Ministers to jail inmates are cleared and trained by the Knox County Sheriff’s Department. Click here to sign up for more information.
This committee works with Refugee families moving to the area. Decorating the apartment, celebrating birthdays, helping out with childhood illnesses, working out a summer camp, finding work, working out benefits, figuring out transportation – all that goes into life for a young family are all part of the way we help others. Click here to sign up for more information.
We are group of parishioners of area Catholic Churches who are inspired by Pope Francis’ call to all Catholics to climate change in response to the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor. The group meets monthly and welcomes new members, each with their own insights, experience, abilities, and gifts. Help us address the ecological crisis at hand and the Eco-spirituality mandated by biblical teaching and the social doctrines of our Catholic Faith. Click here to sign up for more information.
Volunteers from churches and from the community meet asylum seekers who have crossed the Mexican border and have a court date in the US. Those going to the east coast ride a Greyhound bus from Dallas to Richmond. Usually their families have paid for the tickets but they have almost no other resources. Help us buy supplies, and greet them. There are three people to a team (one must speek Spanish) that meet the evening bus (10:50 - 11:40 pm). Volunteers go once a month (on Wednesday and Saturday evenings). Try it once as an observer before volunteering! Click here to sign up for more information.
A lay organization of men and women who share in the spirituality and charism of the Paulist Fathers, committing to embody the ideals of the Paulists in their daily lives. Meetings are at 7 pm on second Thursdays, except for summer, at Immaculate Conception Church. Click here to sign up for more information.
When UT is in session, dinner is served to about 100 students and parishioners after the 5:30 Sunday Mass. The meal is funded by the parish, and volunteers shop for, cook, and serve the meal. Volunteers schedule a meal on a signup sheet in the lobby and work with the office on paying the costs. Click here to sign up for more information.
Readings from the Old and New Testaments play a major role in spreading the good news at each and every Mass. Speakers with clear, strong voices enhance the delivery of that good news. Training is provided by parish staff and scheduling according to each individual’s availability is conducted by the parish office. Click here to sign up for more information.
Several Eucharistic ministers are needed at each liturgy to distribute Communion to the congregation. Positions are filled by volunteers as they arrive at Mass. Training is periodically offered by parish staff. Click here to sign up for more information.
Enhancing all liturgies at St. John XXIII with contemporary music is a major goal of the parish. Volunteers from the community provide vocal and instrumental accompaniment to the religious services of the parish. All musicians are encouraged to join in by arriving an hour before any given Mass to rehearse the pieces for that service. Click here to sign up for more information.
This group plans and executes the liturgical environment (flowers, banners, altar cloths, etc.) for each church season. Click here to sign up for more information.
The Council is the "eyes and ears" of the pastor. It brings forward the concerns, ideas, and suggestions of the parish members for discussion, resolution, and action. The Council is reconstituted annually and relies on interested volunteers to fill its ranks. Click here to sign up for more information.
Budgeting, management, and disbursement of the parish’s finances is overseen and guided by its Finance Committee. Most of the members of this committee are appointed parish members with a longstanding knowledge of the needs, resources, and operations of the parish. Volunteers are welcome! Sign up below for more information.