The purpose of this adult learning program is to move out of the way of the Holy Spirit and prepare the way for the Kingdom of God. This program is intended to nourish the mind and heart and inform action. Topics and resources will be selected by and overseen by our parishioners though the Social Concerns Committee. It is the hope that people will consider the topics and discuss them with others - leading to a better understanding of the issue and, hopefully, a strengthening of the Spirit among us.
Bill Smith has been in the “homeless business” for 40 years. He spent nine months living on the street and the rest of the time living or working in shelters. Real help starts with listening.
Students from the U.S. and Europe gathered in the synod Hall in Rome October 18, 2024
Approved by the pope, the synod's final document "participates in the ordinary magisterium of the successor of Peter, and as such, I ask that it be accepted," the pope wrote in a note published by the Vatican Nov. 25.
Courage in the Spirit: Translating Synodal Talk into Action
You looking for a job? Read the below classified ad.
Artist/iconographer Angela Manno and theologian/author Elizabeth Johnson contemplate creation
Synodality and the controversial issue are here to stay.
Redeeming Power - exercising the gift as God intended.
Comments on tradition, contemplation, non-dual thinking, church history, bible, etc.
Novelist, essayist, and fiery prophet teacher of the civil rights movement.
The method has deep roots in a Jesuit form of community discernment that was developed in Canada after Vatican II.
Is The National Eucharistic Revival becoming more about Benediction than Eucharist?
The Vatican Synod agenda focuses on participation and inclusion, not hot button issues.
When Jesus said “do this in memory of me” was he referring to the words of institution or was he speaking of the Eucharist as mission? History of the Eucharistic Prayer and participation in the Eucharistic Revival.
A review of the book by Daniel Akst about 4 pacifists who resisted WWll
African theologians meet to reflect on the outcomes of the Synod, provide a theological analysis of the key dynamics of the process, and offer a theological input from an authentically African perspective.
Cardinal McElroy speaks to those on the culture war’s frontline.
Article: No one had to die for our sins. "It’s time to rethink the meaning of the crucifixion," says theologian Sr. Elizabeth Johnson.
Article: How to Abolish Poverty
Hark? A podcast about the stories behind our favorite Christmas carols.
There are many different creation stories in different cultures throughout time and space. The interpretations of the two creation stories in the Bible that Christianity uses can become troublesome. The Blessing Seed interpretation is probably not familiar to most of us but may provide a more accurate interpretation.
Article: Why Eucharistic Presence Matters
Article: The Jewish roots of the Eucharist
Cardinal McElroy calls for a new framework in the church for sex and sin.
Part 4 - The Church has a "crisis of welcome." How can parishes respond?
Part 3 - What’s the role of Catholic parishes in a changing and polarized world? 3 lessons from a Louisiana church.
Part 2 - Parish clusters, foreign, foreign priests and deacons. Facing the realities of a shrinking church.
Part 1 - In parish life how do you integrate Spanish and English speaking Mass-goers?
Cardinal McElroy explains that the United States is at the stage of the synod process where we must deepen our dialogue about the structures and cultures of exclusions.
The report “Beyond Bad Apples: Understanding Clericalism as a Structural Problem & Cultivating Strategies for Change” aim to understand how structural clericalism operates in the church. The problem is more than some “bad apples.”
What a life long transgender Catholic woman wants the Catholic Church to know about her life.
The experience of LGBTQ Grandparents can be joyful as well as challenging.
An interview with Andrew Sullivan: "How do you bring these two parts to your life together in view of the official church teaching on homosexuality and also in view of your evident respect for the Catholic tradition?"
Fr. Martin shows how his Jesuit training has shown him how to work with people on the margins and walk with the excluded.
In two letters to New Way Ministry Pope Francis commended the organization for its outreach to the LGBTQ community and referred to one of its co-founders, Lorreto Sr. Jeannine Grarnick as a “valiant woman” who has suffered much for her ministry.
The statement "A Home for All: A Catholic call for LGBTQ Non-discrimination" makes the case that Catholic doctrine presents a positive case for ending discrimination against LGBTQ people.
Paul Taylor of Vanderbilt University looks at the future darkness as rich with possibility in even the most desperate times.
This is a report on the links between clericalism and clergy-perpetrated sexual abuse. Instead of asking if the perpetrator is a good or bad priest, the report asks what are the underlying reasons he is acting in this way.
Five survivors reflect about sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.
The link to the right takes you directly to the video. The video is part of Courageous Conversation Recordings out of Milwaukee. If you want to see more recordings from them click here.
Why the Church needs survivor stories. A conversation about the art of listening.
What does work mean in the Biblical context? How we speak about work must be updated based on its current meaning and context.
Article: Why we need a new theology of work
Can Catholic Social Teaching help solve the labor crisis?
Cardinal McElroy shares his reflection and insights on the two-day discussions in Rome with 197 cardinals, patriarchs, and senior officials of the Secretariat of State.
Fr. Tom Reese points out why and what Pope Francis should expand his teaching about the Eucharist.
In his letter, “Desiderio Desiderovi,” Pope Francis talks more about “sense of mystery,” awe, beauty, etc. during Mass.
In his letter, “Desiderio Desiderovi,” Pope Francis speaks about the place of the liturgy in salvation history, that it is about more than 'liturgy wars'.
Daniel Rudd lived in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. As a Black newspaper owner he was an evangelist.
Reading between the lines of Vatican response to Supreme Court overturning Roe: the Vatican response to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe is a difference of tone and approach which provides healing and reconciliation.
Look at The Roman Catholic and Orthodox Traditions on Divorce, Annulment, & Communion by Orthodox Theologian David Bentley Hart.
Seven things we should know about divorce.
Jenny Hunsberger provides practical pastoral guidance for accompanying women who are in crisis pregnancy for whatever reason.
Erika Bachiochi, J.D., discusses authentic reproductive justice as it relates to women and pregnancy.
Professor Daniel Williams takes us back to the 1960” and 70’s when the roots of the Pro-Life Movement were found in social justice. How things changed and mistakes made.
Hear from Charles Camosy, Erika Bachiochi, Gloria Purvis, and Kathleen Domingo about a potential post-Roe world and the implications that bears for mothers and children (sponsored by the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame).
Overturning Roe is not the answer according to anti-abortion advocate.
Various members of the leadership of the U.S. church offered their vision for the months to come.
A conversation with Fadi Daou about understanding of the culture of encounter that both Pope Francis and Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Ahmed Al-Tayyeb advocate, and whose spirit is embodied in the "Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together" that the two global leaders signed in 2019.
The second panel addresses new opportunities for ecumenical and interfaith collaboration around issues of peace and social justice, building on the dynamic international witness and diplomacy exemplified by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis.
The first panel compares “For the Life of the World”, and its core themes, with Catholic social thought, exploring points of commonality and differences of emphasis.
John Gehring expresses how many of us can feel at times, “but also being a member of a church that stretches back to the time of the apostles imbues you with an appreciation for the long view."
Theologian Bill Huebsch walks us thru the 8 chapters of the encyclical Fratelli Tutti and how we integrate into our lives.
A panel from Georgetown University discusses the 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti written by Pope Francis. They talk about:
Pope Francis of the 21st century continues the priorities of Pope Adrian VI of the 16th century.
APAC, a revolutionary Brazilian prison system, focuses on recovery instead of punishment. "Unguarded" explores the unique method behind this system, now present in 23 countries across four continents. Observing the daily lives of the “recuperandos” (recovering inmates) who live and work there, we see firsthand why—as one inmate puts it—“no one escapes from love." (A PBS video.)
A PBS video exploring and celebrating the lesser-known life of one of the Civil Rights Movement's greatest leaders — Mrs. Fannie Lou Hammer — a Mississippi sharecropper turned human-rights-activist.
How Do We Walk Together as a Church? Embracing Pope Francis' New Call to Synodality. Discussion of the book "Walking Together: A Primer on the New Synodality” by Moira McQueen.
Professor Diane Morrow, former St. John XXIII parishioner and UT faculty member, presents the history of Black Catholic women religious and in particular The Oblate Sisters of Providence.
Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP presents Part 2 of 4 of her Vatican II series. Part 2: Gaudium et Spes. (Sept 26)
Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP presents Part 4 of 4 of her Vatican II series. Part 4: The Church's Understanding of Itself. (Oct 10)
Sr. Joan Chittister talks about why and how the Synods will make the difference.
Check out this article by Bishop McElroy, bishop of San Diego. He shares on how synodality can renew the U.S. church.
Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries, explains why we go to the margins.
Why Black Education is a Life Issue: Racial Justice and the Church's Call to Action.
The third session of Conversations That Matter: The Intersection of Racial Justice and Life Issues welcomes Professor Ernest Morrell of the University of Notre Dame to discuss issues of racial justice and the Church's call to action in response.
Miguel Diaz, ninth U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See, explains Pope Francis sees our need for “the apostolate of the ear.”
Theologians, scholars and clergy gathered for the 2021 Black Catholic Theological Symposium at the University of Notre Dame where speakers affirmed the activism of the Black Lives Matter movement and called for a reflection on what it means to be "Radically Black and Truly Catholic".
Fr. Massingale discusses the Church's response to racism for the Klau Center's "Building an Anti-Racist Vocabulary" series (from February 12, 2021). (Oct 17)
Sr. Maureen Sullivan, OP presents Part 3 of 4 of her Vatican II series. Part 3: Role of the Laity. (Oct 3)
U.S. Hispanic Catholics have been experiencing synodality for the past 50 yrs. Have we been paying attention?
The International Theological Commission published a study in 2018 of "Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church."
Michael Sanem discusses the relationship of the 'new evangelization' and the synodality.
Hoffman Ospine interviews synod expert advisor Rafael Luciani to understand why synodality promises a better way of being Church.
Massimo Faggioli’s article in Commonweal tries to answer the question “What’s Synodality for the Church in the United States?" (Oct 31). Click on link to the left.
The Spirit in the Assembly: Preparing for the synod on synodality. Austen Ivereigh describes the role of the Holy Spirit as we prepare for the Synod.
Paul and Cindy Karos discuss how shared faith guides their life, professions, family and their path forward, even in the face of personal obstacles like blindness.
Bishop Wack of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee wishes to express his deepest hope for the church on his 4th anniversary of being a bishop.
Bishop Robert Barron presents insights on why he has concerns about the attacks on the Second Vatican Council. Even though he wasn’t there he has knowledge from those that were. His question: "Some Catholics in America today are increasingly vocal in their attacks on the Second Vatican Council—an ecumenical council of the Church summoned and presided over by the successor of Peter. How should we understand this disturbing trend?" (Sept 12)
Women Witnesses for Racial Justice hold a Prayer Service ("Say Her Name ") for Martin Luther King Day.
Bishop William Wack, of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee joins lay ecclesial ministers for the second conversation in this series on laity, marriage, family life, and youth.
Fr. Matthew Hawkins discusses how we must change the metaphors, narratives, and framework we use in talking about racism. He also points out the role of the Laity and Prayer.
Bishop Stowe of Lexington explains why the call for a synod by Pope Francis is a path forward.